m a n i f e s t o
ceremonied art is an experimental & ever-evolving conversation
ceremonied art is art of any form that engages ceremony to honor & care for all life as family
ceremonied art recognizes all beings, or "inter-beings" – from the molecular to the cosmic, including plants, animals, minerals, elements, wind, stars and ancestors – as capable of communication with humans
ceremonied art validates & cultivates human intuitive/telepathic communication skills to deepen connection with all life
ceremonied art turns to intuition & action to addresses & repair severed relationships between people, land & beings that are the result of acts of human dominance
ceremonied art offers a context to take responsibility for ancestral actions and repair those actions that have or continue to interrupt kincentricity
ceremonied art makes offerings to land & inter-beings through time, presence, work, funding, & other gifts
ceremonied art remembers humor & play as crucial to humility and not-knowing
ceremonied art recognizes art as one of many contexts for ceremonied work